Our sincere thanks to “Animal Friends of the Valley” for their generous and most welcome donation of Montego dog and cat pellets for our Township Tails.
We applaud you for all the good work you do in the Kirkwood region and for assisting us with food for the furry angels, together with a monetary donation for more food just when we needed it most.
Please take a bow for your kind hearts and generous spirit.
Our sincere thanks, to an exceptional lady, Erma Voigt of Graaff-Reinet for nominating us as one of the Santam Community Heroes. Santam Insurance awarded us the prize of
R10 000.00 for the second year running which will go towards Operation Touch.
With the funds we purchased tables, chairs, crayons and stools for the older children who attend Operation Touch.
Thank you, Santam Insurance !
Our sincere thanks to the KPMG team who visited us on Friday, 17 July 2015.
Your generous donation of dog food, cat food, blankets and bowls is sincerely appreciated by all the furry creatures we have under our wing at the Shelter as well as our Township Tails.
We salute you for your munificence and benevolence in helping us to improve the lives of those less fortunate than our own furkidz.
A special thank you to Melissa, Deanne and Sunjay of the KPMG Team for spending time in the cattery on Madiba Day and giving our resident kitties oodles of love and attention.
Bless you for your charitable deeds.
We would like to have you cloned !